Leave Stress at Work

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How is stress affecting your home life?
80% of kids say that they notice that their parents bring work stress home.
If you check in with work after hours, or on your days off, your kids are 200% more likely to say you come home in a bad mood.
And Maybe more importantly, you are also 20% more likely to have stressed our kids.
And let's face it - pretty much everyone is checking in with work, outside of work hours.
With more to do than ever before we are more stressed than ever before as well.
And yet most of us are like the proverbial frog in the saucepan - this constant feeling of pressure has become the norm. We almost don't notice it. But clearly others do. In the survey results above, I am pretty certain you could replace 'kids' with 'friends', or 'spouse' and you'd end up with exactly the same results.
So here are two things you can do to leave stress at the office
1) Plan Tomorrow
Before you leave the office, write down the critical things you need to do tomorrow. For some reason, when we allocate time to do something in the future, our bodies and brains treat those things like they’re already taken care of. Actually plan your day out and work out where you're going to do those things that are bugging you.
2) Do something to disconnect on the way home
Try to forget work on the trip home. No work phone calls or problem solving - try to switch off by listening to some music or reading a book. Make this your signal to leave work at work. This also allows us to transition from your work persona to your home persona.
Stress is a pervasive element in the 21st Century workplace. But by managing stress well, we can use it to get more done and help us perform well, instead of letting it negatively us and those around us.