BE HONEST: here's why you're not achieving your goals

How are those 2016 goals working out for you? I’ve got some news for you, but most people don’t want to hear it.
There are only three reasons that you fail to make progress towards your goals. Yes – it’s that simple. But people are going to deny it.
The first two reasons are the most important - and the ones that people don’t want to face. The third reason is really just a caveat. So let’s scrap the third reason.
There are only two reasons you fail to progress towards your goals.
In. Anything.
a) You’re not doing the work, or
b) You’re doing the wrong work
That’s it. Nothing else is stopping you. Whether you want to get a promotion, make more sales, qualify for your bonus or lose ten kilos. If it’s not happening for you, it’s because of one of those things.
So here’s what you need to do. And I KNOW this sounds really simple, but I am really frustrated with a bunch of people I’ve been working with, so I’m going to spell it out.
First – find out what the ‘right work’ is. Because if you want to make more sales, but you’re only making three sales calls a week, then getting buried in admin – it’s probably not going to happen. Or if you want a brilliant team, but you aren’t doing one-on-ones with your staff at least once a month – it’s probably not going to happen.
So, find out what the BEST people in your world are doing. Whether that’s sales, or losing weight, or leadership, or whatever. And then do it even better than them.
Secondly. Commit and work relentlessly on making it happen. You can’t make those 10 sales calls every other week – it has to be every week. Don’t make excuses why you can’t get out the door and exercise, because you’re too busy – just make it happen. Don’t cancel those one-on-ones with your staff because you have too many emails to answer. Prioritise it and Get. It. Done.
And don’t lie to yourself and other people that you’re doing it, when you’re actually NOT.
What’s the third reason? The third reason is that your goals are out of your control. But this rant assumes that you set controllable, smart goals anyway. So forget it.